As Qualified Private Fiduciaries, it is our responsibility to follow the instructions in your Trust Document, Will, and Powers of Attorney (Finance and Health). Find out more about Clay Spiegel, CPA, Marguerite C. Lorenz CLPF, CTFA, Noah B. Benton, Esq, Joseph F McMackin, JR, CLPF, and Ryan Shumacher, Esq.
When your attorney drafts your estate planning documents, you will be asked to name a Successor Trustee. Selecting an objective professional now will determine how you are cared for later, how your family will be communicated with when the time comes, and it will give you an opportunity to meet with your Successor Trustee. Click here for a detailed article entitled, “Who Needs a Professional Fiduciary?”
Our approach: We personally communicate with our clients to learn your preferences and lifestyle choices. Often, our clients need just a little assistance to continue living independently. As your needs change, we will be there for you.
Marguerite C. Lorenz, Clay B. Spiegel, Noah B. Benton, Joseph F. McMackin Jr., and Ryan Shumacher, Esq, act individually as Trustees. Our dedicated staff work as a team on every case. We have successfully completed many case, developing good relationships with skilled professionals along the way. Our team is efficient and economical because of our over 40 years of experience. Depending on your specific needs, our assistance may include hiring appropriate workers and caregivers, paying all the bills, securing personal property, selling assets at your instruction, remodeling the home for safety, and/or managing the move to an assisted living facility. We do our best to meet your needs and the provisions of your Trust.
Our attention to detail and documentation of every transaction can give you the peace of mind and comfort to enjoy yourself, without the pressures of financial or logistical concerns in your later years. Contact us to discuss your needs.
When your attorney drafts your estate planning documents, you will be asked to name a Successor Trustee. Selecting an objective professional now will determine how you are cared for later, how your family will be communicated with when the time comes, and it will give you an opportunity to meet with your Successor Trustee. Click here for a detailed article entitled, “Who Needs a Professional Fiduciary?”
Our approach: We personally communicate with our clients to learn your preferences and lifestyle choices. Often, our clients need just a little assistance to continue living independently. As your needs change, we will be there for you.
Marguerite C. Lorenz, Clay B. Spiegel, Noah B. Benton, Joseph F. McMackin Jr., and Ryan Shumacher, Esq, act individually as Trustees. Our dedicated staff work as a team on every case. We have successfully completed many case, developing good relationships with skilled professionals along the way. Our team is efficient and economical because of our over 40 years of experience. Depending on your specific needs, our assistance may include hiring appropriate workers and caregivers, paying all the bills, securing personal property, selling assets at your instruction, remodeling the home for safety, and/or managing the move to an assisted living facility. We do our best to meet your needs and the provisions of your Trust.
Our attention to detail and documentation of every transaction can give you the peace of mind and comfort to enjoy yourself, without the pressures of financial or logistical concerns in your later years. Contact us to discuss your needs.